She is not that bad, though sometimes I think that she looks herself much more of a sexy model or sex symbol above everything else. I remembered when she was in Jumanji with all her innocence, and now she is kind of more into the acting world, but has not make that great movies, and has certainly fall into a "fame trap." Still, I like some of her movies, and overall she is a good actress.
Kirsten Dunst has surprisingly blossomed into a really talented actress after having gotten her star in "Interview With the Vampire" when she was a young girl. Now, she is one of the most highly sought after actresses in Hollywood. She's pulled off dramatic roles just as well as comedic roles.
Kirsten Dunst picks all the movies that are so cool like Bring it on and obviously Spiderman and stuff. She is so good at acting and she alos has that outgoing felling to her when you see her act. I totally wanted to see her movie Elizabethen Town but I couldn't but she and Orlando Bloom look so cute together! I wish they were going out instead f Kate Bowsworth but oh well. Then Kisten is so stylish and then again she just picks great movies to star in and she just looks great. I love the Jake Gyllenhaal relationship.
Kirsten Dunst is one of the best women I have ever seen in my life and she is so beautiful... I personally like her in Spiderman and in the movie about the little toys, other of the things that I didn't notice was the fact that she was the one who played Judy in Jumanji, well the thing is that I think that Kirsten Dunst is a really talent actress and I also think that she is one of the best actresses that I have ever see on movies, she is so great...
Ms. Dunst has such a great talent. I have always enjoyed her films since she was small. Some of my favorite films that include her are Interview with the Vampire, Jumanji, Bring it on and Spiderman. She can transform herself into a snooty cheerleader and then into a serious Mary Jane. Still she always let you know with her that she is sweet and kind. I'm sure her career will go far and blossom as she matures.
Kirsten Dunst. An actress of whom I've been a consant fan of since her break-out roles in Interview with the Vampire and Jumanji. She is an actress who exemplifies all the talent, drive and beauty of Golden-age Hollywood legends. The sheer power of her performance as the psychotically deranged vampire Claudia in Interview with the Vampire when she was just 11 years is astonishing. Other roles such as the unassuming film star in Wag the Dog, An emotionally devisated teen in Fifteen and Pregnant and flexing her comedy skills in Bring it on. Her most famous role has of course been As Mary-Jane in the Spiderman films. Someone to watch in the future. She's sure to go far.
She's my most favorite actress. Such young, but already very talented. I think she's best roles in movies The Virgin Suicide and Spider Man. Besides she goes right to it is thin to experience an image of the heroine which she plays that can it is far not each actress. Except for that Kirsten very beautiful, that also is important in the movie-industry. But it's just my opinion
Kirsten Dunst is one beautiful young women, she was young when she played in Jumanji, she played Judy and her performance was great the next movie I saw her in was Spider-Man, I couldn't believe that was the same girl. She whent from a cute little girl in jumanji, to a beautiful young vibert woman who is not so little anymore, anyway she is an amazing actress that grows with each film that she makes.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Bugs Bunny review
The tuning note from the first violin was echoed by the scream from a small baby. There was the soft murmur of many different conversations. A child in the seat behind me tentatively asked his mum "Is this it?". After some hesitation, the mother replied "Shhhh." The tension crescendoed amongst those in the crowded hall, and was heightened by the dimming of the lights. Then, as if by magic, the Warner Brothers theme sounded, and all was well.
The reaction from the audience was immediate. Kids hunched forward in their seats and fixed their eyes on the 40 foot screen, oblivious to the fact that a moment ago they were wriggling around in their seat trying to unshackle themselves from the material bondage that their parents felt obliged to impose on them. Their parents, on the other hand, slumped slightly in their seat and grinned. If you could visit any of these people at their home, you would recognise that these were the same ritualistic positions which they assumed when paying homage to the television.
At first, the people watched silently, restraining any laughter; after all, we were in the Opera House. So offcourse, it is the children's innocence that saves them, as you hear a score order giggle around the hall, starting with the squeaky, rapid chuckle of pre-pubescent voices, to the rumbling of the not-so-young. Soon, the place is surrounded by uninhibited laughter, as the celebrated rabbit performed the (clichи) time honoured gags; ie conducting the orchestra in oversized tails, while trying to swat a fly with the baton.
Bugs Bunny on Broadway is a musical production that tries to incorporate music and cartoons live on stage. The idea is that while the cartoons are playing on the movie style screen, the orchestra is plying the music in perfect synchronisation. It originally started four years ago on Broadway, and there is little doubt that it has been a success. It is very fast and elaborate, and it is plain that no cost has been spared.
But for your $70 (minimum) seats, you get a show, and that's all folk's. Those hoping to broaden their musical appreciation are better off going to a shop and buying some CD's (in fact, for the price of the seats you could really broaden your musical appreciation). What you get is the same old Warner Bros cartoons, with live music. It seems to me that renting the cartoons and playing them on a TV wired up to a good sound system will do the same trick, with the added bonus of not having the kid behind you kicking the back of your chair.
This isn't to say that the music is of bad quality, it is in fact quite the contrary. The Orchestra is crammed with leading musicians from around Sydney. It achieves a brilliant tone color, especially with the wide range of percussion, which include xylophone, glockenspiel, marimba, vibraphone, tubular bells, gong, and a drum kit that looks like a small city. The score is performed with precision and brilliance.
The problem is the score itself. The main pieces included the Barber of Seville Overture and a medley of Wagnerian Operas. Now, some may call me an exaggerated music puritan, but I belive that these should be played at their originally intended speed. But the speed in which the conductor was moving that stick seemed to indicate that he was the one trying to pulverise the fly on his music stand. I also found it troubling that the pieces were changed to the point were they became shadows of their former selves. It was hard not to grimace while the Ride of the Valkyries was over- daubed by Elmer Fudd singing " Kill da wabbitt".
But if you can manage not to cringe as these greats are torn to pieces, then the action on screen is amusing. The great thing about these cartoons is that they are pitched at two levels. While most people are laughing at the rabbit dressing up as a woman to try and seduce Elmer Fudd ( with the Barber, and later on Tannenhausen, in the background), those who know more about music will enjoy the satire and complex musical jokes.
It seems to me that the purpose for this show is to introduce the general public into classical music. It is saddening to think that people need a visual stimulus to appreciate this elegant music, but even more saddening to have the music corrupted by the vaudeville antics that go on screen. When Disney tried to attempt the same thing with Fantasia, at least they employed some taste and left the music the way it was meant to be. They did not mock the composers and they kept their images simple and fantastic, so they would represent the music. In the case of Bugs, the music only serves the purpose of background noise to help the cartoon's momentum.
Walking out of the hall I felt slightly downhearted by the music. Then while waiting outside in the lobby, I over heard many conversations that brought a smug smile on my face. Most people seemed to have enjoyed the show immensely. I heard comments like " The music was incredible!" and " This is the way classical music should be". These people seemed to have come out of the thing thinking that they were finally "cultured", and that they had heard the finest that music could offer. But how could they possibly hear the music when it was always drowned out in the gentlest and most powerful moments by their dissonant laughter?
The reaction from the audience was immediate. Kids hunched forward in their seats and fixed their eyes on the 40 foot screen, oblivious to the fact that a moment ago they were wriggling around in their seat trying to unshackle themselves from the material bondage that their parents felt obliged to impose on them. Their parents, on the other hand, slumped slightly in their seat and grinned. If you could visit any of these people at their home, you would recognise that these were the same ritualistic positions which they assumed when paying homage to the television.
At first, the people watched silently, restraining any laughter; after all, we were in the Opera House. So offcourse, it is the children's innocence that saves them, as you hear a score order giggle around the hall, starting with the squeaky, rapid chuckle of pre-pubescent voices, to the rumbling of the not-so-young. Soon, the place is surrounded by uninhibited laughter, as the celebrated rabbit performed the (clichи) time honoured gags; ie conducting the orchestra in oversized tails, while trying to swat a fly with the baton.
Bugs Bunny on Broadway is a musical production that tries to incorporate music and cartoons live on stage. The idea is that while the cartoons are playing on the movie style screen, the orchestra is plying the music in perfect synchronisation. It originally started four years ago on Broadway, and there is little doubt that it has been a success. It is very fast and elaborate, and it is plain that no cost has been spared.
But for your $70 (minimum) seats, you get a show, and that's all folk's. Those hoping to broaden their musical appreciation are better off going to a shop and buying some CD's (in fact, for the price of the seats you could really broaden your musical appreciation). What you get is the same old Warner Bros cartoons, with live music. It seems to me that renting the cartoons and playing them on a TV wired up to a good sound system will do the same trick, with the added bonus of not having the kid behind you kicking the back of your chair.
This isn't to say that the music is of bad quality, it is in fact quite the contrary. The Orchestra is crammed with leading musicians from around Sydney. It achieves a brilliant tone color, especially with the wide range of percussion, which include xylophone, glockenspiel, marimba, vibraphone, tubular bells, gong, and a drum kit that looks like a small city. The score is performed with precision and brilliance.
The problem is the score itself. The main pieces included the Barber of Seville Overture and a medley of Wagnerian Operas. Now, some may call me an exaggerated music puritan, but I belive that these should be played at their originally intended speed. But the speed in which the conductor was moving that stick seemed to indicate that he was the one trying to pulverise the fly on his music stand. I also found it troubling that the pieces were changed to the point were they became shadows of their former selves. It was hard not to grimace while the Ride of the Valkyries was over- daubed by Elmer Fudd singing " Kill da wabbitt".
But if you can manage not to cringe as these greats are torn to pieces, then the action on screen is amusing. The great thing about these cartoons is that they are pitched at two levels. While most people are laughing at the rabbit dressing up as a woman to try and seduce Elmer Fudd ( with the Barber, and later on Tannenhausen, in the background), those who know more about music will enjoy the satire and complex musical jokes.
It seems to me that the purpose for this show is to introduce the general public into classical music. It is saddening to think that people need a visual stimulus to appreciate this elegant music, but even more saddening to have the music corrupted by the vaudeville antics that go on screen. When Disney tried to attempt the same thing with Fantasia, at least they employed some taste and left the music the way it was meant to be. They did not mock the composers and they kept their images simple and fantastic, so they would represent the music. In the case of Bugs, the music only serves the purpose of background noise to help the cartoon's momentum.
Walking out of the hall I felt slightly downhearted by the music. Then while waiting outside in the lobby, I over heard many conversations that brought a smug smile on my face. Most people seemed to have enjoyed the show immensely. I heard comments like " The music was incredible!" and " This is the way classical music should be". These people seemed to have come out of the thing thinking that they were finally "cultured", and that they had heard the finest that music could offer. But how could they possibly hear the music when it was always drowned out in the gentlest and most powerful moments by their dissonant laughter?
Friday, April 4, 2008
Swat review
S.W.A.T. is the type of movie that can be either side of the same coin, so your enjoyment of it will greatly depend on your expectations going in. The trailer might have you thinking that it's another no-brain action film with stunts and explosions galore. Yes, it is that, but to limit it there would be doing a great disservice to it. It's an offbeat action flick, semi-comedic in its own natural fashion, borrowing elements from police dramas and comedies liberally, mixing the elements together and making its own unique flavor. Call it Dirty Harry meets Death Wish meets Police Academy meets Lethal Weapon. Call it anything but a remake of the hit television show of the 1970s.
The film starts off with Colin Farrell (Daredevil, The Recruit) playing hotshot SWAT member Jim Street, reduced to gun room duty after not following procedures during the takedown of a bank job. Street gets a break to be back on the unit when a new sergeant (Jackson, Basic) is brought in to retool the team, with the team captain (Poindexter, American Ninja 2) seemingly wanting them to fail so he can fire both of them. Meanwhile, billionaire French crime lord, Alex Montel (Martinez, Taking Lives), gets nabbed by the local police, and sends a message through the media offering $100 million to anyone who breaks him out of prison. With a mostly new crew and little support from the boss, the SWAT team finds their hands are more than full in trying to deliver Montel into federal custody with the criminal element coming out of the woodworks to claim that money.
SWAT is a bit of a throwback film, roughly similar to the kinds of team police flicks where the unit comically bickers with each other, yet always maintain some respect for each other underneath. For most of the movie, the story remains almost plotless, while we are introduced to the characters and see them perform in training exercises to prepare them for the worst. For much of the first hour, SWAT plays for laughs, while also getting into character development of the main characters, like an ensemble television show full of eccentric and entertaining people. TV show familiarity is no surprise, since director Clark Johnson's previous work has all been in television, both as an actor and a director in such shows as "Homicide," "NYPD Blue", "Law & Order", and HBO's "The Wire".
The halfway point of the film will probably be the dividing line for most viewers, as you'll have to suspend lots of disbelief in the developments that occur after Montel makes his pledge of millions for his escape. A few necessary shortcuts are taken, and a couple of serious contrivances, but if you're willing to play along for sheer entertainment's sake, it does work quite well in its own fashion. The maverick attitude of Street will remind you of Mel Gibson as Sgt. Riggs, especially in a final confrontation that seems lifted straight out of the end of the original Lethal Weapon. The rest of the unit has that "A-Team" quality, giving us some comic relief amid the tensest of moments, making this one of the truly fun films of the summer.
If you like smart and funny action vehicles, especially ones that like to have fun with the conventions of their genre (much like The Italian Job did so well earlier in the year), SWAT is highly recommended for some highly entertaining escapism. It's bravura entertainment, testosterone-charged excitement that doesn't give a damn whether it's paced right or all of the loose ends are tied up. Some needless characters and offbeat storyline asides are thrown in liberally, but those moments are also the most enjoyable.
SWAT is a gloriously sloppy movie, like eating a huge, greasy cheeseburger stuffed to overflowing with onions, pickles and bacon. It ain't pretty or even remotely healthy, but like Samuel L. Jackson might say, "Now that is one tasty burger!"
The film starts off with Colin Farrell (Daredevil, The Recruit) playing hotshot SWAT member Jim Street, reduced to gun room duty after not following procedures during the takedown of a bank job. Street gets a break to be back on the unit when a new sergeant (Jackson, Basic) is brought in to retool the team, with the team captain (Poindexter, American Ninja 2) seemingly wanting them to fail so he can fire both of them. Meanwhile, billionaire French crime lord, Alex Montel (Martinez, Taking Lives), gets nabbed by the local police, and sends a message through the media offering $100 million to anyone who breaks him out of prison. With a mostly new crew and little support from the boss, the SWAT team finds their hands are more than full in trying to deliver Montel into federal custody with the criminal element coming out of the woodworks to claim that money.
SWAT is a bit of a throwback film, roughly similar to the kinds of team police flicks where the unit comically bickers with each other, yet always maintain some respect for each other underneath. For most of the movie, the story remains almost plotless, while we are introduced to the characters and see them perform in training exercises to prepare them for the worst. For much of the first hour, SWAT plays for laughs, while also getting into character development of the main characters, like an ensemble television show full of eccentric and entertaining people. TV show familiarity is no surprise, since director Clark Johnson's previous work has all been in television, both as an actor and a director in such shows as "Homicide," "NYPD Blue", "Law & Order", and HBO's "The Wire".
The halfway point of the film will probably be the dividing line for most viewers, as you'll have to suspend lots of disbelief in the developments that occur after Montel makes his pledge of millions for his escape. A few necessary shortcuts are taken, and a couple of serious contrivances, but if you're willing to play along for sheer entertainment's sake, it does work quite well in its own fashion. The maverick attitude of Street will remind you of Mel Gibson as Sgt. Riggs, especially in a final confrontation that seems lifted straight out of the end of the original Lethal Weapon. The rest of the unit has that "A-Team" quality, giving us some comic relief amid the tensest of moments, making this one of the truly fun films of the summer.
If you like smart and funny action vehicles, especially ones that like to have fun with the conventions of their genre (much like The Italian Job did so well earlier in the year), SWAT is highly recommended for some highly entertaining escapism. It's bravura entertainment, testosterone-charged excitement that doesn't give a damn whether it's paced right or all of the loose ends are tied up. Some needless characters and offbeat storyline asides are thrown in liberally, but those moments are also the most enjoyable.
SWAT is a gloriously sloppy movie, like eating a huge, greasy cheeseburger stuffed to overflowing with onions, pickles and bacon. It ain't pretty or even remotely healthy, but like Samuel L. Jackson might say, "Now that is one tasty burger!"
Monday, March 24, 2008
Figure Skating wire stories
March 31
• Hamill, undergoing cancer treatment, says she feels great in return to where it all started
March 23
• Worlds 2008: Weir salvages US medal hopes, titles to Japan's Asada and Canada's Buttle
March 22
• Canada's Jeffrey Buttle adds world figure skating crown to Olympic bronze
• Canadian Buttle adds world figure skating crown to Olympic bronze; Weir wins 1st world medal
• Buttle adds world figures crown to Olympic bronze; Weir wins 1st world medal
• Buttle adds world crown to Olympic bronze; Weir wins 1st world medal
• Weir is last US medal hope after Belbin and Agosto go home empty-handed
March 21
• Delobel-Schoenfelder take ice dance title, Americans edged off the podium
• French pair Delobel and Schoenfelder win ice dance title, Americans just miss podium
• Jeffrey Buttle, Johnny Weir lead after flawless short programs in Sweden
• Jeffrey Buttle, Johnny Weir lead after short program; Daisuke Takahashi 3rd
• Skating union announces new team trophy event next year in Japan
March 20
• Asada wins women's title, Americans falter
• French ice dancers hold lead at figure skating worlds
March 19
• Germans win world pairs title, Kostner leads women
• Italy's Kostner has slight lead over Mao Asada of Japan following women's short
• Kimmie Meissner recovers lost confidence, facing a tough field going into Wednesday's short
March 18
• China's Zhang-Zhang Hao lead pairs after short; French lead after compulsory dance
• China's Zhang Dan and Zhang Ho lead pairs after short; French lead after compulsory dance
• French lead after compulsory dance following costly fall by Americans
• American figure skaters Tanith Belbin/Benjamin Agosto fall during compulsories at Worlds
March 17
• What a trip! Meissner, dance team find rough going en route to worlds
• Japan could become first country to win men's and women's golds since Russia in '02
March 16
• Sasha Cohen troubled by ultra youth movement in women's figure skating
• Hamill, undergoing cancer treatment, says she feels great in return to where it all started
March 23
• Worlds 2008: Weir salvages US medal hopes, titles to Japan's Asada and Canada's Buttle
March 22
• Canada's Jeffrey Buttle adds world figure skating crown to Olympic bronze
• Canadian Buttle adds world figure skating crown to Olympic bronze; Weir wins 1st world medal
• Buttle adds world figures crown to Olympic bronze; Weir wins 1st world medal
• Buttle adds world crown to Olympic bronze; Weir wins 1st world medal
• Weir is last US medal hope after Belbin and Agosto go home empty-handed
March 21
• Delobel-Schoenfelder take ice dance title, Americans edged off the podium
• French pair Delobel and Schoenfelder win ice dance title, Americans just miss podium
• Jeffrey Buttle, Johnny Weir lead after flawless short programs in Sweden
• Jeffrey Buttle, Johnny Weir lead after short program; Daisuke Takahashi 3rd
• Skating union announces new team trophy event next year in Japan
March 20
• Asada wins women's title, Americans falter
• French ice dancers hold lead at figure skating worlds
March 19
• Germans win world pairs title, Kostner leads women
• Italy's Kostner has slight lead over Mao Asada of Japan following women's short
• Kimmie Meissner recovers lost confidence, facing a tough field going into Wednesday's short
March 18
• China's Zhang-Zhang Hao lead pairs after short; French lead after compulsory dance
• China's Zhang Dan and Zhang Ho lead pairs after short; French lead after compulsory dance
• French lead after compulsory dance following costly fall by Americans
• American figure skaters Tanith Belbin/Benjamin Agosto fall during compulsories at Worlds
March 17
• What a trip! Meissner, dance team find rough going en route to worlds
• Japan could become first country to win men's and women's golds since Russia in '02
March 16
• Sasha Cohen troubled by ultra youth movement in women's figure skating
Friday, March 14, 2008
Paul Walker review

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Monday, September 17, 2007
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